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About Us


To be a church that proclaims the love of Christ
by serving and building personal relationships with our community.


Center Church is a local fellowship of individuals and families who are disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ.


We are Christian, meaning that we believe in one Triune God, and His revealed Word: the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments. Ecumenical creeds, or summaries of beliefs, that we share with other branches of the global, historic Christian family include: the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed.

Within historic Christianity, we are Protestant and Reformed, meaning that we identify with the Christian movements in Central Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries that sought to recover the biblical truths of the authority of the Bible, and the grace and glory of God. These distinctives are summarized in "confessions," such as the Westminster Confession of FaithPresbyterian, from the Greek word for "elder," refers to the organizational structure of our local fellowships: led by elected elders—not "top-down," answering to bishops (episcopal), and not fully "bottom-up" as a direct democracy (congregational).

We are Evangelical, meaning that we believe that every person needs to personally come to understand and believe in the good news ("gospel," or evangel) that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah of Israel and the world's true Lord.


We believe this is truly good news for everyone, and we are eager to share that news with you! We worship together on Sunday mornings at 9:30am, and also meet at the church and in various homes for other activities throughout the week.

We are part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, a global movement of congregations engaged together in God’s mission.

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